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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Newly Available Online Performance Improvement Resource for the Public Health Community

Date: 3/11/2016 4:41 PM

Related Categories: Performance Management, Quality Improvement, Workforce Development

Topic: Performance Management and Quality Improvement, Workforce Development

Tag: Accreditation, Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals, Performance Management, Quality Improvement, Workforce Development

The Competencies for Performance Improvement Professionals in Public Health are a set of skills desirable for performance improvement professionals working in public health. Based on the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies) and the Core Competencies for Performance Improvement Managers, these draft competencies may be useful for activities such as developing job descriptions and performance objectives, conducting performance reviews and evaluations, and creating workforce training plans. They may also be helpful in preparing for national health department accreditation, especially in meeting the requirements of Domains 8 and 9 of the Public Health Accreditation Board’s Standards and Measures.
Who are performance improvement professionals? Are you a performance improvement professional? You might be! Performance improvement professionals may be engaged in quality improvement, performance management, accreditation, workforce development, community health assessment and improvement, and other activities within public health organizations. If you’re working to improve individual, program, and organizational performance, you’re a performance improvement professional.
To support the work of performance improvement professionals, the Public Health Foundation (PHF) has collected resources and tools related to each of the 14 performance improvement competencies. These resources and tools from PHF and our national partners are sorted by competency and can be used for a variety of performance improvement initiatives and activities.
The Competencies for Performance Improvement Professionals have been designed to offer specific guidance for individuals with responsibilities in performance improvement, and go beyond what is included in the Core Competencies. You can learn more about the Competencies for Performance Improvement Professionals in Public Health by viewing the archived webinar held in February 2016 for the Public Health Performance Improvement Network (phPIN). The webinar featured PHF President Ron Bialek and Performance Improvement Specialist Julie Sharp, who presented Draft 2.0 of the Competencies for Performance Improvement Professionals and the corresponding resources.
The Competencies for Performance Improvement Professionals are currently in draft form, and your feedback can help shape their future development. Please add your comments to this blog post in the section below. Comments can also be sent to Ron Bialek at Your feedback will help guide development of the next version of the competencies.


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Jack Ponting


Magali Angeloni


Hi. This is gret work, and I'm totally behind it. The draft reads well, and I only have a couple of suggestions to add in the language of the already identified competencies. Here are three thoughts to add/weave into the language of the competencies. The professional is also: - Trained in the methods and tools of Quality Improvement (PDSA, Lean, etc.) and is prepared to provide training to others in the organization as needed [many of us are doing it with little training and are learning along the way, but agencies should facilitate/expect more formal training so that this person is capable to conduct the duties that are defined in the competencies]; - Conducts and/or oversees these activities organization-wide [organization-wide is mentioned in some places, but I think it should be perhaps clear at the beginning so that it is understood that the expertise should be applied organization-wide]; - Uses a framework to guide and measure progress in the work done towards a culture of quality improvement (NACHOO's 6 phases of a culture of QI or another framework). [I think this is important because a framework helps solidify any evaluation efforts]. Good job!

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