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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Keep Your Engine Running Smoothly with a QI Tune-up

Date: 2/2/2016 9:00 AM

Topic: Performance Management and Quality Improvement

Tag: Technical Assistance, Quality Improvement, Training, Accreditation

We all know it is important to do scheduled maintenance on a car or truck. The same goes for physical check-ups and preventive care. We know. . .but it is easy to let things slide. We get busy, grow numb to minor performance declines, and forget that a small investment in prevention can save a lot of cost and headache down the road. Some of us engage in magical thinking, convincing ourselves that we are an exception and general advice does not apply to us. Over time, we can become neglectful, and get caught off guard when the car breaks down or our blood pressure is out of control.

Just like complicated machinery and the human body, a quality improvement (QI) program needs to be managed carefully and tuned-up on a regular basis. Too often, organizations think of building QI capacity as a one-time event; they provide training, launch projects, and check the “completed” box. But a QI program, like any other health department initiative, will only excel if it adjusts to changing circumstances and continually improves. At the Public Health Foundation (PHF), we have heard that maintaining a robust QI program is an ongoing challenge even for seasoned QI practitioners, and have developed a new service in response.

PHF’s QI Tune-up helps an organization analyze current QI practices, close gaps, and incorporate new tools to help rejuvenate in-house QI leaders. The focus is on overcoming inertia and managing disruptions and distractions that can undermine QI efforts. This is not a repeat of basic QI training; rather it is an opportunity for leadership and QI practitioners to keep QI deeply embedded in the organization – a critical element of managing performance across the board. The service prevents QI capacity and momentum from slipping, and is ideal for accredited health departments or any organization experienced in QI.

The QI Tune-up is the newest service in PHF’s updated and catalog of performance improvement services. To learn more about any of these services, please contact Margie Beaudry at or (202)218-4415, or submit your information online.


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