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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Betty Bekemeier, PhD, MPH, FAAN
Director, Northwest Center for Public Health Practice
University of Washington School of Public Health
Location: Seattle, WA
Phone: 206.616.8411
Length of Time in Public Health:
  • 30 years
Current Work Setting:
  • Academic institution
Relationship Building Experience:
  • I have been involved in developing an academic health department (AHD)
About Me:
I am a "pracademic" with many years of having worked in local public health and now in academia. As a very active public health systems and services researcher. I maintain close ties with my practice partners and conduct research regarding local public health services. I am also Director of the University of Washington's NW Center for Public Health Practice and am very engaged with our local, state, and northwest region public health partners around workforce development, practice improvement, and practice-based research.

About My Institution:
University of Washington School of Public Health
  • Is an academic health professions institution
  • Has participated in AHD partnerships in the past, but does not currently participate in any AHD partnerships
  • Is currently working to form AHD partnerships
  • Has relationships with public health practice organizations for:
    • Public health education/training
  • Has relationships with academic health professions institutions characterized by:
    • Collaborative public health education/training
Betty Bekemeier, PhD, MPH, FAAN