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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Patty Chan, BS, MPA
Public Health Division Manager, Ventura County Public Health

Location: Oxnard, CA
Phone: 805-981-5222


Length of Time in Public Health:

  • 29 years

Current Work Setting:

  • Governmental public health

Relationship Building Experience:

  • I have been involved in building relationships between academic health professions institutions and public health practice organizations


About My Institution:


Ventura County Public Health
  • Is a public health practice organization
  • Employs 100-499 people
  • Serves rural and suburban geographic areas
  • Has relationships with academic health professions institutions for:
    • Public health education/training
    • Public health research
  • Has relationships with academic health professions institutions characterized by:
    • Formal written partnership agreements
    • Collaborative public health education/training
    • Joint research projects

Patty Chan, BS, MPA