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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Promoting and Disseminating Health Department Antibiotic Stewardship Resources
​​​​​The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is working with the Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to support successful health department antibiotic stewardship and healthcare-associated infection programs. This project builds on PHF's previous work to develop and pilot the Public Health Antibiotic Stewardship Driver Diagram to help public health and healthcare to work together to promote optimal use of antibiotics in communities.

Throughout the spring of 2016, PHF completed a series of conversations with 17 state and local health departments about their work in antibiotic stewardship and how they are addressing healthcare-associated infections. PHF has collected hundreds of examples of tools and strategies used to develop and improve antibiotic stewardship programs, particularly those that utilize data and quality improvement methods and foster collaboration among community stakeholders.

PHF also developed brief vignettes about some of the health departments interviewed and highlighting the resources they used to accomplish their objectives. CDC paired these resources and refined these vignettes and launched the Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation Framework for Health Departments during Get Smart Week 2016. The eight state stories are available for download in PDF:

​Additional Resources
​Antibiotic resistant infections are a growing problem nationwide. The following resources can be of assistance to public health and healthcare organizations:

This project was made possible by the Cooperative Agreement 5 NU38 OT 000211, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Promoting and Disseminating Health Department Antibiotic Stewardship Resources