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Kirkpatrick Level 1 (Reaction) - Core Evaluation Items

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Instructions for Use

  • Evaluators have the right to determine if/when these items are appropriate based on modality (e.g., Podcast, Archived Webinar) and feasibility.
  • Evaluators may adapt the items to better suit their Learning Projects’ purposes so items are the most relevant (e.g., may need to substitute “webinar,” “training,” or “exercise” for “course” within the body of the item).
  • Evaluators may decide to code responses, or change the coding of the response to fit their purposes.


Core Evaluation Items (back to top)

Core Eval Items.png


Example Reporting (back to top)

There are a number of approaches for reporting Level 1 evaluation data, including summary statistics such as mean, mode, range, and correlation. Data may be analyzed grouped or ungrouped. Below is one example of analyzing and presenting Level 1 outcome data.


Organization “X” is conducting an evaluation of their Public Health Readiness and Certificate Program (PHRCP), which is a five-day, in-person course. The web-based evaluation consists of 15 closed-ended items and three open-ended items and is administered for a two week period after the conclusion of the course. Of the 15 closed-ended items, five are the Level 1 Core Evaluation Items. All evaluation items will be analyzed and used for course improvement, as feedback to course organizers and instructors, as submission for Continuing Education Credit, etc. Results gleaned from five of the 18 items will be reported. Some words were changed within the body of the items to ensure relevance.  


Questions Used in Web-based Evaluation of the PHRCP:



Sample: How Learning Project Results Were Reported
Level 1 evaluation results for this learning project are:
1. Overall Satisfaction:
      a) 65 = # of respondents who reported “somewhat agree” and “strongly agree” (numerator)
      b) 100 = total # of respondents (denominator)
2. Enhanced Knowledge:
      a) 57 = # of respondents who reported “somewhat agree” and “strongly agree” (numerator)
      b) 100 = total # of respondents (denominator)
3. Relevancy in Emergency:
      a) 68 = # of respondents who reported “somewhat agree” and “strongly agree” (numerator)
      b) 100 = total # of respondents (denominator)
4. Relevancy to Daily Job:
      a) 61 = # of respondents who reported “somewhat agree” and “strongly agree” (numerator)
      b) 100 = total # of respondents (denominator)
5. Recommendation to Others:
      a) 68 = # of respondents who reported “somewhat agree” and “strongly agree” (numerator)
      b) 100 = total # of respondents (denominator)



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Kirkpatrick Level 1 (Reaction) - Core Evaluation Items