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Kirkpatrick Level 2 (Learning) - Evaluation Tool Matrix

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Instructions for Use

  • Evaluators within the Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Centers (PERLC) network are expected to use the evaluation matrix to develop appropriate tools to assess learning (Level 2) for each program delivery.
  • As appropriate for the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) Domain levels addressed and included in the objectives of the learning project, evaluators should determine how best to measure learning (Level 2).
  • Evaluators are encouraged to utilize items (tests, exercises); format (multiple choice, simulation); and modes of delivery (in person, online) that best suit their Learning Projects’ purposes in order for assessment tools to best measure the purpose of the trainings and learning objectives across domain levels.
  • Utilizing the matrix as a guide, evaluators can tailor assessments to most effectively and efficiently measure learning across KSA Domain levels.


Evaluation Tool Matrix (back to top)




Limitations and Considerations (back to top)

  • Geographic, culturally specific issues should be considered; manner in which and by whom these issues are addressed should be considered. 
  • Emergency-specific issues should be considered (e.g., chemical spill vs. pandemic).
  • Public health system organization varies state to state, as do relationships with other entities. Consider differences in infrastructure and service availability.
  • Availability of staff time to participate in a team project could be limited.
  • Problem-specific training should consider a minimum level of evaluation that could be used across topics. Scoring rubrics may need to be developed.
  • Need to have permission to access and review debriefing documents.
  • In terms of maintaining personal/family emergency preparedness plans, not everyone has children. Some standard needs to be accepted for basic requirements for emergency kits and plans.
  • Role-specific duties are incredibly varied from position to position and health department to health department. 
  • In terms of reporting unresolved threats through chain of command of threats to physical and mental health, the KSAs assume a base knowledge of mental health (psychological first aid/self-care), and Incident Command System knowledge.

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Kirkpatrick Level 2 (Learning) - Evaluation Tool Matrix