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Kirkpatrick Level 4 (Results) - Training and Learning Products Impact Evaluation

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Instructions for Use 

This survey has been designed to evaluate activities performed by the Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Centers (PERLCs) on the capabilities at the organizational level and systems level of partnering organizations. It seeks to evaluate PERLC activities on two levels: 

1.   Which aspects of PERLC collaboration were effective and which need improvement?

2.   What impact did the activities (learning products) have on the preparedness and emergency response program

      in your organization?


3.   To what extent were the PERLC services successful in helping achieve your agency’s preparedness goals?

4.   To what extent did participation with the PERLC and its products impact the systems and or processes in

      preparedness and emergency response of your organization?

5.   What was the value of the PERLC collaboration in meeting the Public Health Preparedness

      (PHEP) Capabilities? 

Who should complete this survey?
Person(s) who is/are most knowledgeable about emergency preparedness in your department should complete this survey. Only one (1) survey should be completed by your organization. 

Data collection
Ideally, this information should be gathered after a period of time of at least one year and occurrence of a particular incident or after a simulated event such as an exercise or drill where specific capabilities have been tested. It is recommended to have measurements of the indicators and behaviors before and after training. A single evaluation may be insufficient; thus, implement repeated measures of data collection at appropriate time intervals. If feasible, use a control group to validate outcomes. 
Anonymity and Confidentiality
Please, be candid in your responses. There are no right or wrong answers. Responses will not be linked to your name and will remain confidential. Everything shared though this survey is voluntary and will be treated in a secure manner. Responses will be aggregated and a summary of findings and conclusions will be compiled into an evaluation report. 
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Training and Learning Products Impact Evaluation 


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Kirkpatrick Level 4 (Results) - Training and Learning Products Impact Evaluation