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Healthcare-associated Infections


At any given time, about 1 in every 20 patients has an infection related to their hospital care. Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs) not only affect patient lives, but also add to our increasing healthcare costs. HAIs occur in all types of facilities that include: long-term care facilities, dialysis facilities, ambulatory surgical centers, and hospitals.

CDC has identified eliminating HAIs as a Winnable Battle. Promoting evidence-based programs and cost-effective strategies as prevention tactics as well will both have significant impacts on the nation's health and safety considering this current issue.


Public Health Foundation (PHF) offers resources that public health and other professionals can use to help reduce the rates of healthcare-associated infections. Take courses on TRAIN such as Infection Control Training for Licensed Healthcare Professionals, Infection Prevention in Long-Term Care Facilities, PS DVD: It’s in Our Hands – Preventing Hospital Acquired Infections.


For more resources on Healthcare-associated Infections, visit PHF’s Learning Resource Center to find high quality training materials, and use the Public Health Improvement Resource Center for online tools.

Please visit the CDC’s Winnable Battles Healthcare-associated Infections website for more information.

Healthcare-associated Infections