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AHD Webinar Series: The Public Health Camp - Building an Academic-to-Practice Pipeline at Public Health – Seattle & King County (Archived Virtual Meeting)



Academic health department (AHD) partnerships – formal partnerships between health departments and academic institutions – have the potential to enhance the capacity of the organizations involved and offer a variety of benefits. 

This archived webinar, hosted by the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice (Council on Linkages) and the Public Health Foundation (PHF), focused on the experiences of Public Health - Seattle & King County in developing their Public Health Camp Pilot project. Greg Wilson, BS, Masters in Leadership, Environmental Health Services Division, Public Health – Seattle & King County; Betty Bekemeier, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN, Director, Northwest Center for Public Health Practice University of Washington School of Public Health; Shayla Holcomb, BSN, RN, Nursing Quality & Practice-Partnership Manager, Public Health – Seattle & King County; and Charishlyn “Lyn” Talania Weintraub, MS, BSN, RN, RN-BC, CPH, Major, United States Army Nurse Corps, University of Washington DNP-PHSL Student shared their learnings, key successes, and the impact of their Public Health Camp pilot project and other initiatives of their AHD partnership.​ Meeting participants had the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and share their own experiences.

This one hour virtual meeting was originally presented on April 4, 2024 as part of the AHD Webinar Series, a webinar series hosted by the AHD Learning Community. Discussion among the presenters and participants that occurred during the live version of the virtual meeting was captured. To learn more:
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For more information about this virtual meeting, please contact Mayela Arana at

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Join the AHD Learning Community listserv to be notified of future events in the AHD Webinar Series or visit the AHD Learning Community online to explore previous webinars​ and other freely available resources to support developing and enhancing AHD partnerships.
The AHD Webinar Series is hosted by the Academic Health Department (AHD) Learning Community. The AHD Learning Community brings together public health and healthcare professionals to share AHD knowledge and experiences and work collaboratively to create resources and tools to support the development, maintenance, and expansion of AHD partnerships. The AHD Learning Community is an initiative of the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice. Visit the AHD Learning Community webpage or contact Mayela Arana at for more information.​​​​



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