More than 50 population health experts have come together to provide key insights into how to address population health issues and challenges in a collaborative way in the new book,
Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration. This work, released in March 2017, is edited by
Ron Bialek,
Leslie Beitsch, and
John Moran from the Public Health Foundation (PHF), who share a combined 80 years of experience in public health and population health.
“Across hospitals, public health, and community partners, we know that many players within a community are struggling with population health initiatives that achieve measurable improvements in the health of communities,” said Ron Bialek, President of PHF. “This book offers organizations suggestions and solutions for achieving population health objectives in a cohesive, collaborative way.”
Rapid changes in healthcare and public health offer tremendous opportunities to focus on process improvement. Hospitals, public health departments, and their community partners are more often working collaboratively to solve population health problems and need guidance on how to use their community’s resources wisely.
Through 27 chapters from population health leaders,
Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration details steps on how and when to take action on population health issues affecting communities to achieve results. This is the first book of its kind to provide advanced thinking from a wide range of experienced change specialists specifically for population health improvement efforts.
Contributing authors include
John Auerbach, President and CEO of the Trust for America’s Health;
Kaye Bender, President and CEO of the Public Health Accreditation Board;
Karen DeSalvo, Former Assistant Secretary for Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; and
Allen Leavens, Former Senior Director of National Quality Forum and Principal Clinical Quality Analyst at MITRE Corporation.
Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration examines evidence-based intervention strategies, case studies in hospitals and health departments, health equity issues, core competencies, public health campaigns, step-by-step collaboration advice, and much more to affect real change.
Stephen Williams, Director of the Department of Health and Human Services in Houston, Texas said of the publication, “The collective effort of public health practitioners and the general population is needed to create and sustain the infrastructure to produce and improve large scale health outcomes. This work provides inspiring and insightful perspectives of what needs to be done and what is being done to improve health outcomes from a practitioner lens.”
Designed to prepare population health workers in public health and healthcare settings to develop strategies for improved population health, this book is required reading for population health executives and staff in hospitals and health systems, health administrators, and public health professionals.
The publication is now available for purchase in paperback form from PHF’s Learning Resource Center.
PHF also offers sustainable population health improvement solutions facilitated by experts who have helped over 500 public and private organizations solve improvement and performance problems of all types. Recognizing that hospitals, public health departments, and communities have unique characteristics, PHF’s experts customize their approach to accelerate change and fit with an organization’s culture and priorities. Learn more about PHF's approach to sustainable population health improvement.
Solving Population Health Problems through Collaboration - Table of Contents:
Chapter One: Public Health Futures
Clement Bezold, Yasemin Arikan, and Trevor Thompson
Chapter Two: Population Health and Collaboration as Embedded within the Essential Public Health Services
Leslie M. Beitsch
Chapter Three: What Is a Population Health Plan?
Amanda McCarty and Rahul Gupta
Chapter Four: Advancing Health Equity: Population Health and the Role of Multisectoral Collaborations
Renata Schiavo and Kenneth D. Smith
Chapter Five: Why We Do Population Health Today
Julie Trocchio
Chapter Six: The Collaboration Imperative for Population Health Impact
Julia J. Resnick
Chapter Seven: Practical Considerations
Megan Holderness and Alicia Meadows
Chapter Eight: After Initial Accreditation: The Road Ahead
Kaye Bender
Chapter Nine: Key Ingredients for Transforming Community Health
Ron Bialek and John W. Moran
Chapter Ten: The OKC Story—Creating a Culture of Health, from the Inside Out
Gary Cox
Chapter Eleven: Guidebook to Help Solve Population Health Issues through Collaboration: York Hospital’s Journey to Population Health
Deborah Erickson-Irons
Chapter Twelve: Population Health Measurement: Applying Performance Measurement Concepts in Population Health Settings
Michael A. Stoto
Chapter Thirteen: Public Health’s Evolving Role in Effecting Large-Scale Social Change
Thomas Schlenker and Rudy Ruiz
Chapter Fourteen: Public Health 3.0: Time for an Upgrade
Patrick W. O’Carroll, Karen B. DeSalvo, Denise Koo, John Auerbach, and Judith A. Monroe
Chapter Fifteen: American Indian Perspectives on Population Health
Donald Warne and Melanie Nadeau
Chapter Sixteen: The Million Hearts Hypertension Learning Collaborative as a Model for Population Health Improvement
José Thier Montero and Sharon Moffat
Chapter Seventeen: Developing and Implementing a Population Health Driver Diagram
Ron Bialek and John W. Moran
Chapter Eighteen: Population Health Competencies: Guiding Non-Clinical Hospital and Health System Workforce Development
Ron Bialek, Kathleen Amos, Julie Sharp, and Janelle Nichols
Chapter Nineteen: Applying Economic Impact Analyses to Population Health Improvement Efforts: Much to Be Learned, and Much to Be Gained
Greg Randolph, Lou Anne Crawley-Stout, and Kerri Ann Ward
Chapter Twenty: GRHOP [PCCP] How to Orchestrate It: Working with Community and Different Sectors to Achieve Population Health Outcomes
Tiffany Netters, Jamie Clesi Giepert and Eric Baumgartner
Chapter Twenty One: Rural Public Health
Gail R. Bellamy and Michael Meit
Chapter Twenty Two: Implementing Population Health Strategies
Bill Barberg
Chapter Twenty Three: Promoting Multistakeholder Consensus and a Collaborative Approach to Population Health
Allen Leavens, Elisa Munthali, and Marcia Wilson
Chapter Twenty Four: Improving Population Health
Paul Kuehnert and Alonzo Plough
Chapter Twenty Five: Entering a New Era in Hospital and Public Health Collaboration for Community Benefit
F. Douglas Scutchfield, Lawrence W. Prybil, and Rachel Dixon
Chapter Twenty Six: The Role of Data in Precision Population Health
Brian C. Castrucci, Edward L. Hunter, J. Lloyd Michener, Theresa Chapple-McGruder, and Don Bradley
Chapter Twenty Seven: Solve Population Health Issues through Collaboration: The IDEA Model
Sonja Armbruster and John W. Moran