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Harnessing the Power of QI: A New Performance Management Perspective

Related Categories: Performance Management, Quality Improvement

Topic: Performance Management and Quality Improvement, PHF News

Date: 12/11/2015

The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is sharing a new quality improvement resource, Utilizing Performance Management to Harness the Power of Quality Improvement in Public Health. This white paper, authored by PHF Performance Improvement Expert Les Beitsch, Valerie Yeager, and PHF Senior Quality Advisor Jack Moran, discusses how the launch of public health accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) has increased adoption of quality improvement (QI) and performance management in health departments. The article describes performance management models, including the Public Health Performance Management System Framework (formerly the Turning Point Public Health Performance Management Framework), Baldrige, and the Balanced Scorecard, which are helpful for health departments pursuing accreditation by PHAB or those developing and implementing their own performance improvement system. In addition, the authors suggest that performance management and QI efforts should align within organizational objectives, rather than stand alone.


PHF QI Experts continue to develop resources and tools to support performance management and QI in health departments, as well as sharing resources developed by the public health community, in the PHF Performance Management Toolkit. PHF also offers customized technical assistance to communities developing, implementing, improving and/or expanding QI and performance management systems, and for those pursuing PHAB accreditation or continuing to improve after becoming accredited.


Throughout 2016, PHF will be sharing new QI and performance management tools and resources with the public health community via PHF communications and the PHF website. PHF will also share information about how these resources can be used to drive improvement in your organizations.


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Harnessing the Power of QI: A New Performance Management Perspective