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CDC Announces Landmark Investment in Public Health Capacity: PHF is Ready to Help

Date: 6/23/2022 11:44 AM

Related Categories: Performance Management, Quality Improvement

Tag: Development, Infrastructure, Performance Management, Quality Improvement, Workforce Development, Technical Assistance

Author: Michael Barry

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is making available nearly $4 billion to help health departments address critical public health infrastructure needs. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems, represents the single most significant federal government investment to date in improving the capacity of our nation’s public health system.​

What you should know

  • ​Eligible Health Departments: State, Territorial, and Local (Counties serving a population of more than 2 million; cities serving a population of more than 400,000; and counties that include a city serving at least 400,000).
  • Key Dates:​
    • Estimated project start, November 30, 2022
  • Funding is anticipated for five years.
  • Workforce capacity development is a major thrust of this funding opportunity. Workforce funding applies to all health departments, regardless of application eligibility. The NOFO requires “No less than 40% of the funding provided to state health department recipients for Strategy A1 Workforce should be distributed among the local health departments that have not received direct funding from this grant.” Local health departments not eligible for this grant should be talking to their state health departments about allocation of these funds for local capacity building.

Where to find help
The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is a long-standing, trusted partner in helping health departments build public health capacity. Over the past 10 years, we have provided onsite and remote technical assistance and training to more than 500 health departments in the areas of quality improvement, performance management, and workforce development.

Are you looking for ideas for projects or activities to include in your CDC proposal? Appendix 1: Sample Activities for Component A​​ of the NOFO provides a good starting point. There are numerous services and resources PHF can offer to help your agency build needed infrastructure and achieve the objectives of this CDC funding opportunity. You can explore these ideas below, or we can discuss ideas directly with you by contacting Mike Barry,​ (202-218-4422), or Ron Bialek, (202-218-4420).

​What's next?
We have provided some ideas related to the requirements of the CDC NOFO and a robust set of resources and services that may be helpful to you. As you organize your thoughts about preparing your CDC application, we encourage you to incorporate any of these ideas, resources, and specific language directly into your proposals. More substantively, consider PHF as a possible support partner in your application.

Call or email to explore possibilities:
This funding provides a unique opportunity to amplify your efforts toward becoming a high-performing public health agency. PHF stands ready as a partner to support you in this journey.


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