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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Jefferson County Department of Health: Developing Successful AHD Partnerships and Achieving Accreditation (AHD Learning Community Presentation)


This archived webinar featuring Academic Health Department (AHD) Learning Community member and AHD Mentorship Program Chair Bryn Manzella, MPH, focuses on the successful AHD partnerships developed by the Jefferson County Department of Health (AL), highlighting its AHD activities and accomplishments, and how its AHD partnerships have helped in achieving accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB).
This one hour webinar was originally presented as the June 2016 AHD Learning Community meeting. Discussion among the presenter and participants that occurred during the live version of the webinar is captured. Watch the archived webinar or download the presentation slides to learn more.
This webinar is also available on TRAIN as Course 1064423 for those interested in keeping a record of completion in their TRAIN transcripts.

For more information about the AHD Learning Community, please visit the Learning Community webpage or contact Kathleen Amos at
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