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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Four Stages of Teamwork: Electronic Tuckman


Where are you in the four stages of group development? ​The Electronic Tuckman tool and accompanying Tuckman Survey Scoring Template (which references the questions in the tool) were developed by Public Health Foundation (PHF) quality improvement experts Sonja Armbruster, Erin Barkema, and  John W. Moran to assist team leaders in developing high-performing, cohesive teams*. Using this tool, teams can assess the status of their group development and identify next steps for propelling quality improvement forward by maturing team infrastructure. Based on the Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing model of group development by Bruce Tuckman, this tool helps teams thoughtfully ask "Where are we as a group?" and "How can we improve and perform better?"

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