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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Ten Positive Preparatory Steps to Enable a Population Health Coalition to Prosper (White Paper)


Engaging the community to tackle a challenging health issue necessitates a coalition of community members in order to make a measurable collective impact on health status.
These community population health coalitions do not just “happen” – rather they are the result of an individual or organization emerging to take the leadership role. Ten Positive Preparatory Steps to Enable a Population Health Coalition to Prosper lays out ten detailed steps to build and sustain a successful coalition. Written by PHF Senior Quality Advisor John W. Moran, Performance Improvement Expert Les Beitsch, President Ron Bialek, and Performance Improvement Expert Annie Vosel, this white paper discusses community health coalitions and how a leader, for example, a Community Chief Health Strategist, can facilitate a prosperous coalition.
 Additional Population Health Coalition Resources
A generic version of this paper was published by the Process Excellence Network in February 2016. Access that version here.


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