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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Core Competencies Workgroup Meeting - February 2014

Category: Program

Related Categories: Council on Linkages, Workforce Development

Location: Conference Call

Start Date: 2/26/2014

End Date: 2/26/2014

​The Core Competencies Workgroup will convene on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm ET to discuss the feedback received on the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals. The meeting will be held by conference call. The agenda and meeting materials are available below or as a single PDF file. For more information, please contact Kathleen Amos at

Call Information


Call Number: 1.888.387.8686
Conference ID: 8164961




1. Welcome, Introductions, and Overview of Agenda                                                                            Janet Place


2. Background on the Core Competencies                                                                                             Diane Downing


3. Feedback on the Core Competencies                                                                                                 Diane Downing/Ron Bialek

  • Overview of the feedback process                                                 
  • Summary of feedback received                              

4. Core Competencies Revisions                                                                                                             Ron Bialek/Janet Place

  • Approach to addressing feedback                                                        
  • Example of draft revisions

5. Questions for the Workgroup to Consider                                                                                           Janet Place

  • Do you think reordering competencies within a domain will create problems or cause confusion for current users of the Core Competencies?
  • Do you think moving competencies from one domain to another domain will create problems or cause confusion for current users of the Core Competencies?
  • In the draft revisions for the Financial Planning and Management Skills domain, competency 7B1 includes the phrase, “to provide public health services.”  When referring to services being provided in the community, the term “population health services” has been suggested. This term might appeal to non-governmental public health users of the Core Competencies and be seen as a negative change by governmental public health users. What are your thoughts?

6. Next Steps                                                                                                                                                  Ron Bialek


Meeting Summary 

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Core Competencies Workgroup Meeting - February 2014