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Advancing the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence
Practical Application of the Updated PHAB Guide

Category: Focus Area

Related Categories: Performance Management, Quality Improvement

Location: Webinar, 1:00-2:30pm ET

Start Date: 8/17/2016

End Date: 8/17/2016

Webinar Archive



The Public Health Foundation (PHF) and the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) are co-hosting a webinar to address important accreditation changes. The webinar will be held on August 17, 2016, from 1-2:30pm ET. The webinar, entitled Practical Application of the Updated PHAB Guide will include the following learning objectives:

  • Recognize the features of a performance-minded culture
  • Understand updates to PHAB's Guide to National Public Health Department Initial Accreditation (PHAB Guide) and how the changes fit into PHAB’s seven-step process, building on PHF’s blog post reporting on changes to the PHAB Guide that went into effect in February 2016
  • Understand steps in the PHAB process and lessons learned from the first wave of accreditation applications
  • Reflect on how PHAB has applied the principles of performance improvement to the accreditation process via the revised PHAB Guide
  • Plan to avoid common pitfalls and apply performance-mindedness while using the PHAB Guide
Much of the content for the webinar was recently offered as a workshop at the 2016 Public Health Improvement Training (PHIT), where it was attended by 36 public health performance improvement professionals and spurred great questions and conversations about how to apply a performance improvement mindset to the accreditation preparation process. This popular workshop underscored the value of customized technical assistance and training in performance improvement for succeeding with accreditation. PHF has supported 25% of accredited health departments with on-site technical assistance and training prior to their being accredited on topics such as:
To learn more about these and other performance improvement services from PHF, contact Margie Beaudry at or (202)218-4415 or submit your information online.
If you missed this webinar, PHF has archived it for your convenience.

This webinar is being largely supported by the Cooperative Agreement 5 NU38 OT 000211, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Practical Application of the Updated PHAB Guide